A Basic Overview of LIDAR Surveying Technology for Vital Infrastructure Needs – Kameleon Media

It is becoming rapidly the most popular technology in cartography, surveying, and other branches of land-surveying could reap the benefits. These are just a few advantages of LIDAR:
It’s Affordable

LIDAR can be more economical than traditional methods because it’s precise and effective. It also reduces time which is more money. LIDAR data is able to record data for surveying in the field. It makes it simpler for surveyors working with the equipment, which takes less time than conventional equipment for construction.

Speed and Accuracy

LIDAR technology offers the greatest benefit. This type of technology provides detail-oriented information regarding areas like tunnels, bridges and many other infrastructure projects which traditional surveying techniques can’t get. This allows for shorter construction time, less cost as well as higher quality of work and in general, more satisfied clients.

Security and Efficiency

LIDAR surveying equipment can be employed in lieu of expensive and risky techniques like helicopter surveys. In these cases, employees have to perform manually-operated survey services from sky, and thus put themselves at risk of injuries or injuries.


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